Math Question

Which steps show \( =\frac{1}{3}(x+2) ? \)
1. Plot the point \( (2,4) \).
2. From that point, count left 3 units and down 1 unit and plot a second point.
3. Draw a line through the two points.
1. Plot the point \( (2,4) \).
2. From that point, count left 1 unit and down 3 units and plot a second point.
3. Draw a line through the two points.
1. Plot the point \( (-2,4) \).
2. From that point, count left 3 units and down 1 unit and plot a second point.
3. Draw a line through the two points.
1. Plot the point \( (-2,4) \).
2. From that point, count left 1 unit and down 3 units



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