Math Question

Geometry Common Core-Unit 10: Area and Volume
3. An ice cream parlor sells ice cream cones so that the entire cone is full of ice cream, and there is one scoop of ice cream on top. The scoop of ice cream can be modeled as a hemisphere whose radius is the same as that of the circular cone. Each cone has a height of \( 3.9 \) inches and the radius of the cone is 1 inch.

The ice cream parlor buys 5 -quart containers of ice cream. [1 quart \( =57.75 \) cubic inches]. Printed on the container is a claim that you can get 50 ice cream cones per container. Based on the way the parlor scoops their ice cream and the size of the cones they use, will they be able to sell 50 cones of ice cream per container? Justify your answer with calculations.



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