Math Question

29 The table shows Peter's net worth statement. Assets are shown as positive numbers, and liabilities are shown as negative numbers. The value of Peter's house is not given.
Net Worth Statement
\hline \multicolumn{1}{|c|}{ Item } & Value \\
\hline House (current value) & \\
\hline Checking account & \( \$ 900 \) \\
\hline Credit-card debt & \( -\$ 3,400 \) \\
\hline Automobile (current value) & \( \$ 16,900 \) \\
\hline Student loans & \( -\$ 16,300 \) \\
\hline Investments & \( \$ 4,500 \) \\
\hline Savings account & \( \$ 1,200 \) \\
Peter's net worth is \( \$ 101,800 \). Based on the information in the table, what is the current value of Peter's house?
A \( \$ 58,600 \)
B \( \$ 78,300 \)
C \( \$ 98,000 \)
D \( \$ 82,100 \)



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