Math Question

Question 5
10 pts
Let A represent going to the movies on Friday and let B represent going bowling on Friday night. The \( P(A)=0.58 \) and the \( P(B)=0.36 \). The \( P(A \) and \( B)=0.22 \).
Lauren says that both events are independent because \( P(A)-P(B)=P(A \) and \( B) \)
Shawn says that both events are not independent because \( P(A) P(B)=P(A \) and \( B) \)
Which statement is an accurate statement?
Shrwn is correct because two events are independent if the probabity of both occurring is not equal to the product of the probubuities of the two events.
- Luren is incorrect because the difference of the two events is not equal to the probubity of both events occurring
Luren is correct because two events sre independent if the probability of both occurring is equal to the ditference of the probablities of the two events.
Shawn is incorrect because the product of the two events is equal to the probubJty of both events occurrine.



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