Math Question

The final cost of a sale item is determined by multiplying the price on the tag by \( 75 \% \). Which best describes the function that represents the situation?
Item Cost
\hline Price on the Tag, \( x \) & Final Cost \\
\hline\( \$ 10 \) & \( 0.75(10) \) \\
\hline\( \$ 20 \) & \( 0.75(20) \) \\
\hline\( \$ 30 \) & \( 0.75(30) \) \\
\hline\( \$ 40 \) & \( 0.75(40) \) \\
It is linear because the ratio of the change in the final cost compared to the rate of change in the price tag is constant.
It is linear because the function is continuous.
It is nonlinear because the final cost is determined by multiplying each price tag by \( 0.75 \).
If is nonlinear heraice the nrice tan and final cnet coliumne do not have the came common rifference



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