Math Question

\hline \multicolumn{1}{|c|}{ Savings Application } \\
\hline Jacob and Kori went shopping for baseball cards on EBay. Jacob purchased 6 blue crates \\
full of baseball cards while Kori purchased 2 red crates full of baseball cards. \\
They were told by the seller that they would each receive the same number of baseball \\
cards. However, when the crates arrived, Jacob's blue crates each contained 6 original \\
shrink wrapped boxes plus 4 single baseball cards. Kori's red crates each contained 17 \\
original shrink wrapped boxes plus 30 single cards. \\
Jacob and Kori needed to figure out how many cards where in the shrink wrapped boxes, \\
but they didn't want to open them, because that would drastically reduce their value. \\
Instead, they used the fact that they both were sold the same number of cards to set up \\
the equation \( 6(6 b+4)=2(17 b+30) \) where \( b \) represents the unknown quantity of \\
cards in each box. \\
\hline Help Jacob and Kori determine how many cards are in each box by solving the equation for \( b \). Then give your answer by completing the sentence below. \\
Each original shrink wrapped box contains \\



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