Math Question

The following table represents the highest educational attainment of all adult residents in a certain town. If an adult is chosen randomly from the town, what is the probability that they have a high school degree or some college, but have no college degree? Round your answer to the nearest thousandth.
\hline & Age 20-29 & Age 30-39 & Age 40-49 & Age 50 \& over & Total \\
\hline High school only & 1242 & 828 & 425 & 821 & 3316 \\
\hline Some college & 1705 & 554 & 688 & 1452 & 4399 \\
\hline Bachelor's degree & 538 & 1605 & 1144 & 2404 & 5691 \\
\hline Master's degree & 1002 & 611 & 462 & 1338 & 3413 \\
\hline Total & 4487 & 3598 & 2719 & 6015 & \( \mathbf{1 6 8 1 9} \) \\



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