Math Question

J. Essence has run 9 miles and she runs \( 1.25 \) additional \( n \) additional miles each day. After how many days will Esse
9. A cooler contains \( 4.5 \) gallons of water and is filling up at a rate of \( 0.1 \) gallons per second. A second cooler contains 7 gallons of water and is draining at a rate of \( 0.25 \) gallons per second. Which could be used to determine the number of seconds it would take for each cooler to contain the same amount of water?
A. \( 4.5 x+0.1<7-0.25 x \)
B. \( 4.5+0.1 x=7-0.25 x \)
C. \( 4.5+0.1 x=7+0.25 x \)
D. \( 4.6 x>6.75 x \)



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