Math Question

A catering company uses different functions to estimate the itemized costs for a party. The table below represents the included tip for wait staff as a function of the number of guests served.
Catering Cost for Wait Staff Gratuity If the tip varies directly with the number of guests, which equation represents the relationship between the tip, \( t \), and the number of guests, \( g \) ?
\hline Number of Guests & Wait Staff Tip \\
\hline 10 & \( \$ 18 \) \\
\hline 20 & \( \$ 36 \) \\
\hline 30 & \( \$ 54 \) \\
\hline 40 & \( \$ 72 \) \\
\hline 50 & \( \$ 90 \) \\
\( t=\frac{g}{18} \)
\( g=1.8 t \)
\( g=\frac{t}{18} \)



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