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The water-supply manager for San Diego needs to supply the city with at least 20 million gallons of potable water per day. The supply may be drawn from the local reservoir or from a pipeline to an adjacent town. The local reservoir has a maximum daily yield of 21 million gallons of potable water, and the pipeline has a maximum daily yield of 12 miltion gallons. By contract, the pipeline is required to supply a minimum of 9 million gallons per day. If the cost for 1 million gallons of reservoir water is \( \$ 255 \) and the cost for 1 million gallons of pipeline water is \( \$ 265 \), how much water should the manager get from each source to minimize daily water costs for the city? What is the minimum daily water cost?
Minimum daily water cost: \( \$ 2385 \times \)
- million gallons
million gallons
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