Math Question

Which situation can be represented by this equation?
250+65 x=575
F Jeremy is traveling to a location that is 575 miles away. He has already traveled 250 miles. What is \( x \), the number of hours that Jeremy will need to travel at a speed of 65 miles per hour to reach the location?
G Jeremy is traveling to a location that is 575 miles away. He has already traveled 250 miles. What is \( x \), the number of additional miles that Jeremy will need to travel to reach the location?

H Jeremy is reading a book with 575 pages. He has already read 65 pages and will read 250 pages per day. What is \( x \), the number of days that Jeremy will need to read to finish the book?

J Jeremy is reading a book with 575 pages. He has already read 315 pages. What is \( x \), the number of pages Jeremy has left to read to finish the book?



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