Math Question

27. Alexis chose a random sample of 10 jars of almonds from each of two different brands, \( X \) and \( Y \). Each jar in the sample was the same size. She counted the number of almonds in each jar. Her results are shown in the plots.
Based on the plots, which statement best compares the number of almonds in the jars from the two brands?
A. The number of almonds in jars from Brand \( X \) tends to be greater and more consistent than those from Brand \( Y \),
B. The number of almonds in jars from Brand \( X \) tends to be greater and less consistent than those from Brand \( Y \).

C. The number of almonds in jars from Brand \( X \) tends to be fewer and more consistent than those from Brand \( Y \).

D. The number of almends in jars from Brand \( X \) tends to be fewer and less consistent than those from Brand \( Y \),



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